
发布日期:2021年10月08日 18时36分42秒   阅读人数:

姓名 崔正云 性别

民族 朝鲜族 学位 博士
职称 讲师 职务 教师
电话 2435540 邮箱 zycui@ybu.edu.cn
学习经历 1990.9 - 1994.7: 延边바카라 놀이터,兽医系,学士
1999.9 - 2002.2 韩国,翰林大学,医科大学,硕士
2002.3 - 2004.8 韩国,翰林大学,医科大学,博士
工作经历 1994.7 - 1999.7 延边大学,바카라 놀이터,动物医学系,家畜生理教研室, 助教
2004.9 - 2009.7 韩国,三星首尔医院,血液肿瘤内科, 博士后
2014.9 - 2015.8 美国,密苏里大学, 兽医学院,病原生物学, 访问学者
2009.11 – 现在 延边大学,바카라 놀이터,动物医学系, 讲师
承担主要课程 本科生课程:遗传学(双语),病毒学,生物伦理学,生物信息学,蜂病学
研究方向 遗传学,生物信息学
论文著作、科研成果及荣誉 1. Xing Xiao-Xu, Xuan Mei-Fu, Jin Long, Guo Qing, Luo Zhao-Bo, Wang Jun-Xia, Luo Qi-Rong, Zhang Guang-Lei, Cui Cheng-Du, Cui Zheng-Yun, Kang Jin-Dan*, Yin Xi-Jun*. Fiber-type distribution and expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in newborn heterozygous myostatin-knockout pigs. Biotechnology Letters, 39(12): 1811-9,2017
2. Li Xiao-Chen, Guo Qing, Zhu Hai-Ying, Jin Long, Zhang Yu-Chen, Zhang Guang-Lei, Xing Xiao-Xu, Xuan Mei-Fu, Luo Qi-Rong, Luo Zhao-Bo, Wang Jun-Xia, Cui Cheng-Du, Li Wen-Xue, Cui Zheng-Yun, Yin Xi-Jun, Kang Jin-Dan. Parthenogenetic activation and somatic cell nuclear transfer of porcine oocytes activated by an electric pulse and AZD5438 treatment. Zygote, 25(4): 453-61, 2017
3. Jin-Dan Kang#, Seokjoong Kim#, Hai-Ying Zhu, Long Jin, Qing Guo, Xiao-Chen Li, Yu-Chen Zhang, Xiao-Xu Xing, Mei-Fu Xuan, Guang-Lei Zhang, Qi-Rong Luo, Yong Soo Kim, Cheng-Du Cui, Wen-Xue Li, Zheng-Yun Cui, Jin-Soo Kim, Xi-Jun Yin*. Generation of cloned adult muscular pigs with myostatin gene mutation by genetic engineering. RSC Advances, 7: 12541–12549, 2017
4. Zhu Hai-Ying#, Jin Long#, Guo Qing, Luo Zhao-Bo, Li Xiao-Chen, Zhang  Yu-Chen, Xing Xiao-Xu, Xuan Mei-Fu, Zhang Guang-Lei, Luo Qi-Rong, Wang Jun-Xia, Cui Cheng-Du, Li Wen-Xue, Cui Zheng-Yun, Yin Xi-Jun*, Kang Jin-Dan*. RepSox improves viability and regulates gene expression in rhesus monkey-pig interspecies cloned embryos. Biotechnology Letters, 39(5): 775-83,2017
5. Yu-Chen Zhang#, Long Jin#, Hai-Ying Zhu#, Qing Guo, Xiao-Chen Li, Guang-Lei Zhang, Xiao-Xu Xing, Mei-Fu Xuan, Qi-Rong Luo, Zhao-Bo Luo, Jun-Xia Wang, Cheng-Du Cui, Wen-Xue Li, Zheng-Yun Cui, Xi-Jun Yin*, Jin-Dan Kang*. The developmental competence of oocytes parthenogenetically activated by an electric pulse and anisomycin treatment. Biotechnology letters, 39(2):189-196, 2017
6. Long Jin#, Hai-Ying Zhu#, Qing Guo, Xiao-Chen Li, Yu-Chen Zhang, Cheng-Du Cui, Wen-Xue Li, Zheng-Yun Cui, Xi-Jun Yin*, Jin-Dan Kang*.Effect of histone acetylation modification with MGCD0103, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, on nuclear reprogramming and the developmental competence of porcine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. Theriogenology, 87:298-305, 2017
7. 权赫然、姜成哲、崔正云*,伽马-氨基丁酸对内在胆碱能神经兴奋引发的离体胰脏外分泌的影响,科学与财富,8卷(32):195页,2016
8. 李娜、姜成哲、崔正云*,谷氨酸盐对胆囊收缩素引发的灌流摘除胰脏外分泌的影响,科学与财富,8卷(32):183页,2016
9. 刘熙文,姜成哲,崔明勋,魏杰,崔正云*,蝙蝠葛提取物的复合处理对小鼠的短期重复给药毒性作用的抑制,科学与财富第7卷(35):209页,2015
10. 刘熙文,姜成哲,崔明勋,张星吉,崔正云*,采胆熊和原熊血清生化指标的比较研究,科学与财富第7卷(32):138页,2015
11. 崔正云,刘彬,姜成哲,李金辉,李云峰,固体脂质纳米粒作为核酸疫苗载体的效应研究,东北农业大学学报 46卷(8):15页,2015
12. 高建伟、崔正云、鲁承、张星吉、贾文影、张颖、李闯、孟其麟、王振亮,东北黑熊养殖群体6个微卫星基因座遗传多态性研究,畜牧与兽医 46卷(3):67页,2014
13. 崔正云,李娜,姜成哲,浅谈布鲁氏菌病减毒活疫苗的研究进程,黑龙江科技信息(34):50页,2013
14. 高建伟、崔正云、鲁承、崔成都、贾文影、赵文婧、申峰勇、刘晓虹,9个微卫星基因座在东北黑熊养殖群体中的遗传多态性研究,畜牧与兽医 45卷(5):44页,2013
15. 元美花,姜成哲,崔明勋,崔正云,金辉,蓝莓粗多糖对自由基的消除作用及其抗溶血性,延边大学学报(自然科学版)(39):260页,2013
16. 高建伟,张宏超,宋永一,金炯龙,崔正云*,延边地区圈养黑熊基因DNA中部分微卫星微点的探讨,黑龙江科技信息 (33):250页,2012
17. Kim Y.W., Ko J.H., Cui Z.Y., Abolhoda A., Ahn J.S., Ou S.H., Ahn M.J., Park K.C. The EGFR T790M mutation in acquired resistance to an irreversible second-generation EGFR inhibitor. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 11(3): 784-91, 2012. (SCI: 5.683)
18. 高建伟、鲁承、崔正云、崔成都、贾文影、李刚,东北黑熊不同基因组DNA模板来源的比较研究,东北农业大学学报 43卷(9):90页,2012
19. 姜成哲、崔明勋、崔成都、崔正云,生物技术专业课题组活动的实践探讨,福建教育研究(151):90页,2011
20. 汪岩、姜成哲、崔正云*,软枣猕猴桃蛋白酶提取液的体外亚硝酸盐清除和抗氧化活性初探,黑龙江科技信息 (35):73页,2011
21. Gary D.J., Lee H., Sharma R., Lee J.S., Kim Y., Cui Z.Y., Jia D., Bowman V.D., Chipman P.R., Wan L., Zou Y., Mao G., Park K., Herbert B.S., Konieczny S.F., Won Y.Y. Influence of nano-carrier architecture on in Vitro siRNA delivery performance and in Vivo biodistribution: polyplexes vs Micelleplexes. ACS Nano. 5(5): 3493-505, 2011. (SCI)
22. 金善花、姜成哲、崔正云*、尹希俊、安仁波,藜芦提取物的体外DPPH自由基清除作用和对PC9肺癌细胞增殖的影响,中国中医药现代远程教育,(20):180页,2010
23. 姜成哲、宋光禹、崔明勋、崔正云、王银志、许龙春,纳豆多糖对环磷酰胺所致免疫低下小鼠的肝肾抗氧化能力的影响,畜牧与饲料科学 (142):12页,2010
24. Cui Z.Y., Park M.J., Lee J.Y., Ahn J.S., Ahn M.J., Suh S.W., Park J.W., Byun Y., and Park K.C. Modest anti-cancer activity of a bile acid acylated heparin derivative in a PC14PE6 induced orthotopic lung cancer model. Cancer Res Treat. 41: 80-6, 2009.(3.318)
25. Kim Y.W., Kim H.S., Cui Z.Y., Lee H.S., Ahn J.S., Park C.K., Park K & Ahn M.J. Clinicopathological implications of EpCAM expression in adenocarcinoma of the lung. Anticancer Res., 29: 1817-22, 2009. (SCI: 1.428)
26. Kim H.S., Yi S.Y., Jun H.J., Ahn J.S., Ahn M.J., Lee J., Kim Y.W., Cui Z.Y., Hong H.J., Kim J.M., Li S., Hwang I.G., Park K. L1 cell adhesion molecule as a predictor for recurrence in pulmonary carcinoids and large-cell neuroendocrine tumors. APMIS, 117(2): 140-6, 2009. (SCI)
27. Kong W.H., Lee W.J., Cui Z.Y., Bae K.H., Park T.G., Kim J.H., Park K.C., Seo S.W. Nanoparticulate carrier containing water-insoluble iodinated oil as a multifunctional contrast agent for computed tomography imaging. Biomaterials,
28: 5555-61, 2007. (SCI: 8.557)
28. Yu J.J., Lee H.A., Kim J.H., Kong W.H., Kim Y., Cui Z.Y., Park K.G., Kim W.S., Lee H.G., Seo S.W. Bio-distribution and anti-tumor efficacy of PEG/PLA nano particles loaded doxorubicin. J Drug Target. 15: 279-84, 2007. (SCI)
29. Cui Z.Y., Ahn J.S., Lee J.Y., Kim W.S., Lim H.Y., Jeon H.J., Suh S.W., Kim J.H., Kong W.H., Kang J.M., Nam D.H., Park K.C. Mouse orthotopic lung cancer model induced by PC14PE6. Cancer Res Treat. 38: 234-9, 2006.
30. Park Y.D., Cui Z.Y., Wu G., Park H.S., Park H.J. Gamma-aminobutyric acid secreted from islet β-cells modulates exocrine secretion in rat pancreas. World J Gastrointerol. 12: 3026-30, 2006. (SCI)
31. Park Y.D., Park H.S., Cui Z.Y. & Park H.J. Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on intrinsic cholinergic action in exocrine secretion of isolated, perfused rat pancreas. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 7: 169-74, 2003.
32. Park Y.D., Cui Z.Y., & Park H.J. Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on action of gastrin-releasing peptidergic neurons in exocrine secretion of isolated, perfused rat pancreas. Pancreas, 25: 308-13, 2002. (SCI)
33. Park H.S., Yoon H.S., Park Y.D., Cui Z.Y., Lee Y.L. & Park H.J. Endogenous somatostatin inhibits interaction of insulin and cholecystokinin on exocrine secretion of isolated, perfused rat pancreas. Pancreas, 24: 373-9, 2002. (SCI)
34. Park Y.D., Cui Z.Y., Park H.S. & Park H.J. Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on pancreatic amylase secretion evoked by sodium oleate in anesthetized rats. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 6: 27-31, 2002.
35. 董武、白式连、崔正云、胡玉晖、韩英浩,和龙膨润土的不同饲喂量对小鼠的繁殖和体重的影响,延边大学农学学报 第02期:1998

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